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A special sideshow torture exhibit has the power, according to showman Dr. Diablo, to warn people of evil in their futures. As skeptical customers are shown the greed and violence they're hiding, one of them snaps and kills Diablo. When they run off, we see the murder to be staged as part of the show. One of the customers has hung around to see this, and wants to make a deal with Diablo, aka the Devil.  A very good anthology of tales, written by Robert Bloch and directed by Freddie FRancis, for Amicus, an icon of this kind of movie. The tales are uneven, sure, but they are all at least good, till the perfect final one, the Man who collected Poe, with Jack Palance and Peter Cushing, a great idea, and a marvelous tale to watch. Very good Burgess Meredith as Diabolo the Great, the host for these tales. Unfortunately for us all, this kind of movies are a thing from the past and today we don't get any more gems like this. A must see邪恶花园电视剧免费观看,邪恶花园电视剧,邪恶花园电影,邪恶花园电视剧在线观看,邪恶花园电视剧在线观看全集,邪恶花园电视剧剧情介绍,策驰影院 电视剧免费,邪恶花园电视剧免费观看,邪恶花园电视剧全集免费播放,邪恶花园电视剧免费全集在线观看,邪恶花园电视剧免费观看全集完整版,邪恶花园电视剧全集在线观看


  • 0.0正片猛鬼舞厅冯克安,黄金棠,刘允,刘家辉,陈颖芝
  • 0.0正片马拉萨尼亚32号鬼宅贝戈尼亚·瓦加斯,Iván Marcos,比雅·塞古拉,塞尔希奥·卡斯特利亚诺斯,José Luis De Madariaga,Iván Renedo,哈维尔·博泰特,María Ballesteros,罗莎·阿尔瓦雷斯
  • 0.0正片尼斯湖恐兽May Kelly,Becca Hirani,塔拉·麦高兰
  • 0.0HD描准查理·韦伯,玛莉·艾格洛蒲露丝,麦迪逊·贝利,Marissa,Bruchmann,路易莎·德奥维拉,莉亚·吉布森,贾森·加里-斯坦福德,Benjamin,Jacobson,Rryla,McIntosh,Max,Montesi,Bobby,Stewart,Simon,Tattersall,强·沃特
  • 0.0更新至第24集疯人怨Nick Baldasare,理查德·哈奇,Amanda Howell,Frank Jones Jr.,蒂凡妮·谢皮斯,Scott Summitt,蒂姆·汤默逊
  • 0.0正片聊斋新编之画皮新娘丁汇宇,殷果儿,徐千京,刘小奇,叶豪,陈嘉敏,冯瀚,郭亚菲,王笑天,蔡翱骏,冯桀,贾明瑛,王妍兮

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